Disc V Tyne

A project sponsored by FarmLink Research Rapid Response funds

Generously supported by Tony Lehmann and Chris and Ben Moloney, this long term demonstration site was established in 2008 at Tony’s property “Hillside”, near Illabo. A small paddock was split into two sections and one was sown with a John Deere single disc opener. The other half was sown with a Flexicoil tyne seeder with press wheels.

The aim of the demonstration area was to compare each system’s seed placement, emergence, dry matter production, tillering, yield and weed control.  Crops have been monitored over the years standardising all treatments across both areas.  Total yields were recorded in 2008 with the disc system marginally better.  In 2009 and 2010 each half was divided into three individual strips and yields measured for each strip on a weigh bridge.  

Lachlan Rural Fertilisers have a similar demonstration area in Grenfell which were used for field days in 2008 and 2009.
