Robust Weather Station

More Robust Weather Station Network to Support Climate Resilience

Project Funder: Australian Government – Preparing Australian Communities Program
Project Partners:
 Riverine Plains, NSW DPI, Agriculture Victoria, Bureau of Meteorology, Griffith University, BCG, Central West Farming Systems, Holbrook Landcare Network
Project Duration: 2022-24


The project will investigate how an integrated network of 80 on-farm weather stations across Central and Southern NSW and Northern Victoria can better support the community, emergency services and members of the farming community in bushfire and flood management. Currently, emergency services are reliant on Bureau of Meteorology Weather Stations which can be located up to 200km apart and do not provide local climate information when fires start. On-farm weather stations have the potential to fill in gaps where there is no alternative weather information.

Learn more about: What does the 4G upgrade mean for my farm?