Major FarmLink announcement

FarmLink is entering a phase of change with the announcement this week that Chief Executive Office, Cindy Cassidy, will leave the organisation later in the year to take up an opportunity with the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Cindy will become the General Manager of the Agriculture Program at BOM, starting in the role in November.
Cindy has thoroughly enjoyed her time with FarmLink, and her excitement about the opportunity this new role presents, is tinged with sadness to be leaving and great organisation and team.
“This is a really good time for FarmLink to introduce a new CEO,” she said.
“FarmLink has grown over time to be in a really solid position. We have a broad project portfolio which is continuing to grow with research and extension being conducted by our excellent FarmLink team.
“Our skills-based board will continue to provide its expert leadership and advice, and will meet soon to begin the recruiting process for the new CEO.”
As this process is undertaken, it will be business as usual at FarmLink, with staff delivering on projects, managing Temora Ag Innovation Centre and continuing the strong relationships with members, partners and industry peers.

Cristy Houghton