GRDC/SPAA Precision Agriculture Workshops

FarmLink is hosting four free Precision Agriculture (PA) training events in September in southern NSW facilitated by local PA consultant, Eva Moffitt. The one day workshops will consist of a morning session covering foundational PA concepts, data management and Variable Rate (VR) strategies for key inputs including soil ameliorants (lime, gypsum) and fertilisers (phosphorus, nitrogen – including protein mapping).

Breakout groups in the afternoon session will provide access to industry expert representatives from John Deere, Case IH, New Holland, Trimble and CropScan Ag. Within the smaller group format growers will receive brand-specific training into data management solutions such as MyJohnDeere Operations Centre and Case IH AFS Connect, followed by a Q&A opportunity for troubleshooting and broader discussions around hardware and guidance solutions.

Growers at all stages of their PA journey are welcome to attend this event, as well as advisors wishing to boost their knowledge in this space.

Places are limited, to register:

Each event will run from 9.00am to 3:00pm and will be fully catered.